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Maintaining a pace with the customers having instant gratification need is all-important for the businesses. Chatbot apps are capable of connecting the dots at lightning speed and answer the customers intelligently in real-time.
The idea is to deliver fuel to the customers quickly and securely through minimum efforts.
The mobile app serves the need of all the people own vehicle and require tanks refilling.
Making the app works seamlessly with the existing business applications is complex because of the legacy model and obsolete processes. So, the client wants our team to create an app and enable seamless interfacing with business applications.
The team built a stable solution that works in conjunction with the business app glitch-free. It converses with customers in a chat screen window like other messenger apps.
After creating the profile, the users can interact in the chat window. Also, the chat history is tracked with sent and received messages status (Sent, failed, delivered, and read) and time.
The users can manage the message status during the conversation. There are 4 different message statuses- sent, failed, delivered, and read. The users can opt to mark the message as unread from Settings or delete the message.
The conversation between users and businesses is managed by the users. The users reserve the right to archive the message, delete the message, and mark it as unread depending on their preferences.
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