
How Crucial The Push Notifications Are To Your Ecommerce Store Success?

eCommerce Push Notifications for Marketing

Let’s face it: The universe is witnessing the infinite influx of Ecommerce apps flooding the market and making the competition fierce. The stores are vying for the users’ attention to acquire a little real estate on the user’s phone, but the app download is not enough.

Making the users download the app is the half battle you won because the users are fickle and limitless options can make them move to another store if the downloaded app unable to make the users stay glued to the app. The churning rates are quite high.

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How the Ecommerce store can win back the half-won battle?

It’s possible by reaching and engaging the existing traffic through various communication channels. Among all the options- email, SMS, social media, and notifications, the push notification has taken over all the communication options due to higher click and open rate, higher real-time readability possibilities, and user’s control over the enabling/disabling the notifications.

Website push notifications also prove to be a great help as they are covering desktop, which still accounts for a good portion of online shopping time. Besides, the Ecommerce players that are struggling to earn traffic through mobile apps; they can reach out and engage the users with push notifications. The power of instant communication through website and all other devices makes push notifications a perfect fit to combat with churn rate and retain the users in the long run.

The push notifications leverage sounds worth a pound. Isn’t it? Let’s dig deeper to know its contribution towards Ecommerce success.

Uplift the traffic

The website push notifications work great in boosting the traffic to the store when the right message is sent to the right users at the right time. When the users found something interesting enough, it tempts them to visit the store. It can be a discount, coupon code, free shipping, or extra privileges for a limited time which creates a sense of urgency. Consequently, the high traffic will be coming to the store through push notifications.  

Directly reaching out the users

With push notifications, the users can be reached out straight on the mobile phones, which they keep closest and use the most. The beauty of the notifications is that they don’t compulsorily require the users to be online or using the app to reach out to users. The direct access results in making them remember about the app they have installed or the store visited once.

Tracking user behavior

The distinct types of push notifications are sent to users at different times. The notifications reveal rich insights like- open rates, CTRs, page viewing time, view product pages, and others, which further helps in knowing which notifications are opened the most, which product is liked the most, and which time is perfect to send the message.

The meaningful data help in launching and optimizing the marketing campaigns accordingly. The successful marketing campaigns help in capturing maximum orders and improving conversions.

Engaging the existing users

Interacting with the user right at the moment they need help is the best opportunity to convert them. Sending push notifications at the right touch-point is the best approach to update, recommend, or remind the users about the unrealized need they have at this moment. The notifications are sent to the users once they perform a specific action. 

The store can leverage user buying history, purchase pattern, and browsing pattern in consideration to send the tailored notifications to the customers which make customers take an interest in the Ecommerce store. The improved engagement results in impulse buying or increases the basket size.

Targeting based on intent

The location-specific data helps in customizing the store offerings and marketing campaigns, which results in capturing user’s attention and delivering an outstanding experience. With the mobile app, the store has access to location data, which aids in customizing the notifications. The personalized messages are proven as more effective due to high CTRs that result in an improved conversion.

For instance, reaching out to US consumers during the holiday season with discounts or offers draws the user’s attention to the app and increases the probability of purchase.

Increase user retention

The user retention impacts a ton on the bottom line, which makes perfect sense to invest efforts in retaining the existing user base. The targeted message works wonder in enticing the existing users and make them use the app and repeat the purchase.

In addition to offer-related notifications, when the reminder notifications for the items added to the wishlist or cart are sent, the probability of bringing the users back to the store is maximum. It also makes the user feel that the brand value the existing users, which turn them into loyal customers

Increase ad revenue

Push notification is a great solution to bring the users to the specific page. When ads are positioned on some of the store pages and the notifications are sent to the users that bring them to the page where ads are placed, then the store gets the unique opportunity to monetize. The deep links are placed in the notifications to land the user to the required page.

The CPI, CPA, and CPM are the ad monetization models that store can employ to capitalize by placing ads on the store pages. Beware! Don’t overdo, else it negatively impact the user experience.


Neither existing users nor new users come to the store unless the store reaches out users with a powerful marketing campaign that converts. Push notification is one of the important marketing strategies to entice the users, enhance the experience, bring them to the store, and make the purchase.

At times, the store finds it overwhelming or undesirable to leverage. It’s because the push notifications are not managed to wear the user’s lens, which frustrates the users. When it’s executed well, it has worked wonder for the brands. The several advantages of using push notifications are evidence of the same. Implement the push notifications strategy, execute it well, and enjoy perks galore.

CTA Ecommerce technology Stack

Supriya Porwal

Supriya Porwal has been working with Nectarbits - On Demand App Development companies for over six years. She likes to dwell in the depth on advanced technologies as technology innovation inspires her. Her passion for helping people in all aspects of digital marketing makes her a writer by day and a reader by night. She writes SEO-based informative articles that have appeared in a number of e-zine websites and other leading publications.