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On-Demand Healthcare App Development

Providing the patient’s app, doctor’s app, and website with analytics under the healthcare app umbrella for hospitals, clinics, and E-healthcare businesses

Our Business Models

On-demand services: Leveraging advanced technologies, the apps are designed that deliver on-demand patient care and medical services to the customers.

Hospital and clinics

For the flawless operations management, staff coordination, appointments automation, and shift setup are enabled with the app.

Healthcare aggregators

The aggregation services set up, appointment booking, online feedback system, and discovery is provided by our website builder.

The On-Demand Healthcare Solution Provides

Medical app & website

  • The medical app is created for two different platforms- Android and iOS
  • The medical website and dashboard is built
  • The digital solutions are packed with a user-friendly interface and easy navigation
  • The rapid development with maintenance services are offered
  • The appointments are scheduled by connecting patients and doctors on the same platform

On-demand healthcare app

  • Provide uber-like healthcare service
  • Flexibility to design and customize the analytics dashboard
  • Tracking service status on a platform
  • Rating and review system
  • Support for in-app chat

Hospital & clinics

  • The healthcare app for clinics, hospitals, and diagnostic centers
  • Enable key operations like- temporary staffing, shift scheduling, and others
  • The patient app, dashboard, and medical websites are offered
  • The system for patient’s data management

Appointment scheduling

  • Schedule appointments with hospitals, doctors, and nurses
  • Hospitals and home-based healthcare services are supported
  • Appointments can be rescheduled and canceled anytime
  • The service status can be tracked and alerts are sent for the same
  • Inform patients and doctors for the appointment with notifications
  • The appointment management for seamless functioning

Friction-less integration

  • The effortless payment gateway integration with healthcare software
  • Pre-paid appointments enable shifts planning and operations
  • Sales reports and account details can be generated
  • Data security and wallet safety is ensured

Online ratings & reviews management

  • The trusted platform for feedback system management
  • Allow patients to share the review online, which builds brand credibility
  • Reward the best-reviewed patients with discounts for long treatment

Analytics dashboard

  • The data is minutely analyzed to gain rich insights that matter
  • Track performance with patient’s retention rate, successful treatments, and more
  • The sheer transparency in the patient feedback loop helps in improving patient service standards
  • Patient’s history and custom treatment plans are managed electronically

Enhance The Brand Value With Our On-demand Healthcare Solution!

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Drawing Inspiration From The World Around Us

Browse our blogs below to get the latest news on on-demand app trends in technology and mobile applications.

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  • On-call inquiry assistance
  • Project consulting by experts
  • Detailed project estimation
  • Detailed project estimation