
How to Hire a ReactJS Developer?

Hire React Js Developer

How Much They Cost: Employee, Freelancer, or Agency?

No doubt to Hire ReactJS Developer, React.js is the most trending open-source Javascript solution that many people choose in favor of. This front-end technology is noted for providing a wonderful user interface and for having many strong sides. Due to the framework’s component reusability, quick speed, good scalability, rather fast coding, SEO-friendliness, and overall ease, React.js can surely lead to outstanding results when it’s in the hands of a professional.

But where do you find that very competent developer who could translate your ideas to reality? In this article, we’ll answer the most commonly asked questions that occur when looking to hire mobile App developers with ReactJS.

What Does a ReactJS Developer Do?

Explaining why such programming specialists are in demand lies in the fact that the technology itself is highly popular recently. As such, it was established by Facebook and is used on numerous well-known websites and platforms like Instagram, Dropbox, Tesla, Airbnb, Twitter, among about one million others. The framework is needed mainly for building interfaces, for the creation of websites, as well as mobile and web applications. For instance, React.js is used in Magento front end development for constructing progressive web applications.

Mentioning what a React.js developer does, it is coding with this Javascript library, reusing existing code for crafting applications, testing, and debugging the code, to name a few things. To be more specific, apart from React, the developer should be well versed in (or at least have a good understanding of other elements of programming), to give a few examples, these are:

  • programming languages like JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Python, etc;
  • libraries such as JQuery or MomentJS;
  • databases like Blockchain, NoSQL, MySQL, Redis, among others;
  • cloud services such as SaaS, Amazon AWS, GitHub, etc;
  • frameworks, for instance, React Native, AngularJS or Angular2;
  • other technologies, for example, JSON or Ajax.

ReactJS Developer Salaries: What’s the Average?

Before stepping to the particular numbers, it must be stated that the salaries and hourly rates will range depending on many factors, these include not only the skillset but also:

  • geography (where the developer is from);
  • experience (how many years the person has behind their belt);
  • type of hire (freelance developer, in-house, or agency).

To provide you with some exact digits, based on the recent Indeed Reactjs Developer Salaries in the USA report, as of July 2020, the average salary of such a specialist starts from around 93000 USD per year (which is around 7750 USD per month).

What’s for the situation in other countries, according to the data from Payscale, the average React.js Developer salary rates are:

  • Switzerland: 90000 USD per year / 7500 USD per month;
  • Australia: 55000 USD per year / 4580 USD per month;
  • Canada: 51000 USD per year / 4250 USD per month;
  • United Kingdom: 50000 USD per year / 4160 USD per month;
  • Netherlands: 49000 USD per year / 4080 USD per month;
  • Singapore: 44000 USD per year / 3660 USD per month;
  • Poland: 21000 USD per year / 1750 USD per month;
  • India: 10000 USD per year / 840 USD per month.

In-House vs Freelancer vs Agency ReactJS Developers & Where to Look for Them

As mentioned earlier, there are several paths you can go when hiring a ReactJS developer. Let’s overview the possible variations and their peculiarities.

Employing a ReactJS Developer

The first option is finding a developer who’ll join your team and organization. This is the type of hire within your company when a specialist can, for instance, be working right in your office full time. This is a relevant case when you have an ongoing project that needs constant work and a person on board all the time (as opposed to 1-time or project-based hires).

The strong points here include the fact that you’ll always have your specialist “at hand”, therefore, it’ll most likely be easier to handle issues that may occur with the project as well as to quickly resolve questions and hold discussions. On the other hand, having such a developer on your team can be quite costly.

Some places where you can start your search for an in-house ReactJS developer could be everyone’s favored LinkedIn or the Jobs section of GitHub. These platforms for professionals are more or less universal and are a good fit regardless of which country you’re located in. Of course, your local platforms deserve a look as well.

Finding a Freelance ReactJS Developer

The second option is to have a freelance specialist work for you. As a rule, freelancers work by hourly rates and they’re quite flexible. This is why your collaboration will basically go down to the terms that you agree upon.

Noting some plus sides, this variant is suitable if your project isn’t huge in terms of volumes and time frames. Thus, having a freelancer complete the tasks that you need and pay them by the hour can be quite cost-effective. Yet because this person works remotely (in some cases, even on the other side of the globe), you may face difficulties with communication.

For instance, if an urgent question arises, you may receive a reply only in 12 hours or even a day or more due to the differences in the time zones. The bottom line here is the availability and accessibility of the freelance specialist that you hire.

You can begin your “hunt” for a freelance ReactJS developer on platforms like Upwork.

Hiring a Development Agency

Teaming up with a development agency is the third option for obtaining a skilled ReactJS developer (or a whole team of them). Outsourcing a project is another way out that can at times be very effective as you don’t need to get too much into detail, you’ll have a team of pros responsible for delivering your project. Undoubtedly, this option is wonderful if you don’t want to spend too much time and resources on putting together an in-house team of your own, as well as if your project is rather large (it may turn out pricey in the end if it’s small).
The trickiest part here is partnering with a great experienced team of software developers who’ll provide high-quality services at a suitable cost/value ratio. You may start your search for the development agency among the firms from around the world that are featured on Clutch.

Tips on Hiring a ReactJS Developer

Apart from overviewing the CV of the candidate (or team), make sure to give additional attention to the previous work experience and the specific projects that the person has worked on. Browsing the portfolios can give you an understanding of what this person is capable of as well as give some hints on what to ask about if you decide to invite them to the interview.

Test assignments are another point to not overlook. You can ask to complete a task that you currently have in the log (if you do) or use one of the tasks that are available on platforms for assessment and test assignments such as Coderbyte.
Finally, prepare for the interview, i.e., have a list of questions to ask a ReactJS developer so that your conversation can have a technical side beside the common one.

What to Ask a ReactJS Developer During an Interview?

To give you a hand, below are a couple of sample questions you can ask with short answers.
1. What is the difference between React Native and React.js?

The framework of React Native is required for building native mobile apps whereas React.js is a syntax Javascript library that’s used not only for apps but for websites too.

2. What are the benefits of React?

React has numerous advantages, for instance, it is quite flexible, scalable, and based on components. Plus, there are many reusable elements and it’s SEO-oriented.

3. Is it possible to use React without JSX?

The programming language JSX is not a necessary element when you use React.

Final Word

Summing up, although ReactJS developers are in demand, it is possible to find the right person for the job if you make up your mind regarding whether you need a freelancer, a full-time in-house developer, or wish to rely on a development agency. Moreover, by having a clear vision of what the project should turn out to be at the end coupled with a strict budget, you may narrow down your search.

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Alex Husar

Alex Husar, CTO at Onilab with 8+ years of experience as a Magento developer and Salesforce specialist. He graduated from the Czech Technical University and obtained a bachelor’s degree in Computer Software Engineering. Alex’s expertise includes both full-stack dev skills and a strong ability to provide project-critical guidance to the whole team.