What is the Role Of Node JS In Website Development
Web technologies have brought gala changes to the world. They have transformed the lives of everyone from individuals to SMBs and large enterprises. With the paradigm shift to the online world, no one has looked back since.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that web development employed 174,300 developers in the US. The industry is expected to grow 13% from 2020 to 2030, faster than most other occupations.

It indicates the web development projected to rule the world despite increasing inclination towards mobile browsing. That’s why web development technologies, frameworks, and languages are constantly innovating. The myriad of choices for web development tech stack muddies the water.
However, when it comes to efficiency, scalability, fast processing, and robust tech stack, Node.JS is considered as the best framework to consider.
Let’s Understand the Role Of Node JS in A Nutshell
The JavaScript-based open-source, cross-platform runtime environment is introduced by Rhyan Dahl in 2009. With the ability to execute JavaScript outside the web browser, it enables developers to build various types of applications (real-time chat apps, command-line apps, data streaming apps, and complex single-page apps), and JS tools. It has all the features required to make tailored solutions for businesses. Uber, eBay, Netflix, Walmart, and Twitter are the few applications that have adopted Node.JS to power the back-end. Node.JS is leveraged for projects where JS usage is required for the front-end and back-end.
Role Of Node JS Is an Ideal Choice for Web Development?
Render full-stack JavaScript development benefits
JS-powered Node.JS gets all the advantages of JS such as speed, performance, high efficiency, code sharing, code reusability, a range of free tools, and data exchange within the team that makes web development less time-consuming. The Hire frontend JS developers can begin server-side programming with the least effort. When the same language is used on both sides- frontend and backend, then the code reusability is facilitated by wrapping code into modules and defining new abstraction levels.

Handle and process concurrent requests at speed
Node.JS is indisputably known for high performance because of the V8 engine used in Node.JS implementation. It compiles JS functions into machine code quickly. Google’s continuous investment into the V8 engine improves its performance, which Node.JS has perfectly extracted. The non-blocking I/O and asynchronous requests enable request processing off the bat. Asynchronous processing enables request processing with a non-blocking I/O thread and pushes out a callback to regularly serving requests. It together reduces response time and enables concurrent processing.
A rich ecosystem enables easy sharing
NPM is a default package manager of Role Of Node JS that acts as a marketplace for JS tools. With millions of libraries already available in the NPM registry and more than 1000 libraries published every week, the rich ecosystem of Node.JS tools is easily accessible. Also, the NPM is easily shareable that speeds up other activities. NPM facilitates code deployment with divulgement, code maintenance, and arrangements creation before the web development project starts.
Strong corporate support
The best thing about Node.JS is its every release maintenance, that’s up for the next 18 months with no feature is added in between other than necessary bug fixes and security updates. It enables developers to keep up with the web development as no major changes are required to introduce. What’s more? The list of organizations including leading players of the world using Node.JS to power the web projects is consistently growing. This is one of those open-source projects, that’s receiving support from top companies such as Microsoft, IBM, PayPal, SAP, and Fidelity.
Data streaming becomes a breeze
The high-end I/O management is all-important for comprehensive website development. However, it’s difficult for frameworks that consider HTTP0 responses and requests as data objects. Node.JS better manages the I/O procedure by allowing the users to transcode media files at the time of their uploading. Plus, the reading and writing stream to WebSocket iron out the HTTP management issues.
Improve productivity
Node.JS is known for improving development project output by allowing developers to write less code and use one scripting language for both- client-side and server-side. The research study on the organizations that are using Node.JS states that Node.JS improves the app performance by 48% but developer productivity by 68%.
Unmatched community support
Developing a project using technology that has large community support makes the development process a breeze. The developers in the community constantly working on various aspects of technology to enhance the platform, which, in turn, helps the developers build the best project. Also, if they are stuck up somewhere, the community developers or StackOverflow-like platforms provide the necessary guidance and help. Not to forget, GitHub where developers can find the readymade codes and solutions to their Node.JS development-related hurdles.
It’s SEO-ambient
The websites are built to improve the online presence across the globe, which has a direct relation with the SERP of the web application. Node.JS enables businesses to not lose anything due to SEO kinda things by rendering more visibility into websites. Node.JS enables developers to optimize the website for high speed, improved performance, and great experience.

Make the most out of the JS developers’ skills
Writing JS codes is easy for the developers and the Role Of Node JS framework is built on top of the JS language. The companies can make the most out of the existing JS developers’ efficiency and let them build outstanding apps.
The single codebase is a key
The frameworks that require different language used for server-side and client-side, then demands hiring two different developers that are well-versed in the respective languages or a proficient developer that has mastery over both languages. This is the difficulty that every web development company faces, which is resolved with Node.JS. Node.JS allows developers to use a single codebase for writing codes for both- client-side and server-side.
Real-time chat app development
The event-based real-time web project development requires the same language used on both- client and server-side for quick synchronization. The asynchronous, non-blocking, and single-threaded nature of event-based Node.JS makes it a perfect choice for real-time chat apps like- instant messaging apps, gaming apps, video conference app, and others. It continuously updates the data in real-time, that’s what the chat app requires.
Summing It Up
Saying Node.JS is an ideal solution for web development sounds far better than considering it as an effective alternative for web development projects. With a plethora of advantages beforehand, it diminishes the mobile app development time while improving the developers’ productivity. If you want to skyrocket the business growth with web app development, then choosing Node.JS technology can help you reach your business goals.