
React.JS For Ecommerce Development- Know Why and How It Fit The Bills

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How to build an eCommerce app using ReactJS 

Ecommerce development is no more an afterthought for businesses. Businesses are preferring going online to deliver the wow experience to their customers with high performance, quality products, and brand credibility. It signals- front-end plays a vital role in impressing the customers and making the store successful.

Front-end gets updated quickly for minor changes. For instance, the banners are placed or the theme is changed on Black Friday sales, which demands an update to the front-end. After making necessary changes, it’s essential to optimize front-end performance to ensure the app won’t crash or performance gets lower as the load increases.

What’s the solution for Ecommerce front-end optimization? React.JS technology has an answer to the problem.

Yes, you get it right. It’s the same technology that we use to power the apps, which needs to be marketed in reduced time. The support for scalability, reusability, and cross-platform compatibility makes them an ideal choice for Ecommerce development too.

Let’s take a look at the benefit of using React.JS eCommerce app 

  • React.JS facilitates KISS (Keep it simple and stupid) that enables building complex interfaces at ease.
  • Atoms under atomic design allow creating small individual components of the web page.
  • The Molecule in React.JS is a combination of two components say combining Button component and a TextInput component enables search module development.
  • Organisms are complex UI elements that handle business logic. Product grid and header organisms are the best instances of it.
  • The template is the combination of smaller components such as atoms, molecules, and organisms that forms UI in the app.
  • Atomic design enables component reusability within the applications or between two applications that eliminate the redundant efforts.
  • Guarantees improved performance with the capability of making changes to independent components without affecting other components. For instance, Ecommerce users no longer required to reload the page whenever they add an item to the cart.

What’s more?

The advantages of React.JS are immense and make the ecommerce front-end development a plain-sailing journey. When it’s complimented with Redux, the Ecommerce development becomes awesome. See how?

Read more: How to Hire a ReactJS Developer?

React.JS acts as a view layer in the app where the local state manages the data when the state of the components is changed. The state of the app includes- data that users see, information that they are accessing, URL appearing on the front-end, items selected, and any errors. The state is handled while it’s stored in the parent component, it’s possible only when the application is small.

That’s where developers need options for storing the state in the parent component. Bingo! Redux has made it possible by making the state global. Redux provides the react components the exact state they require by allowing data flow in one direction only.

In Redux, there is only one store in every app where the state is kept and UI components can access the object’s state straight from the store. For changing the state of the local component, the actions (actionable information) are dispatched.

Cut to the chase:

how Redux can help in state management of the Ecommerce application.

The components of the Ecommerce app require access to the same state but showcase it in various ways. For instance, the list view of items and item detail page components access the same state but display the content differently.

The example is fairly displaying how Redux helps in allowing individual components to get connected to the store and access the data that’s required. Redux enables extracting all the items from the list and sending them to the component named product container. The detail component enables extracting items’ details and display. It prevents the developers to pass down the data via multiple levels of components, which results in high performance.

I hope, now you are clear with how Redux can make Ecommerce app development better when used in conjunction with React.JS. Finally, use a well-defined architecture to get built a React.JS Ecommerce app with Redux. It comprises visualizing the app, designing reducers, and implementing actions and presentations.

What’s next?

Get your hands dirty with React.JS ecommerce development using Redux and let us know your experience in the comments below. Looking for your reviews. All the best!

React.JS Ecommerce app
React.JS Ecommerce app

Himanshu Patel

Himanshu Patel is the founder & CEO of NectarBits, a fast-growing Best Mobile App Development Company & On-Demand eCommerce Development Company. The current innovation and updates in the field lure him to express his views and thoughts on certain topics.